Web Results

May 30, 2013 - In May 2013, The Guardian's Rebecca Ratcliffe hosted an online discussion where professional journalists weighed in on whether or not getting a Bachelor of Journalism degree is a wise choice. For the article, ?Journalism BAs: are they worth it??, experts were chosen to answer question
May 2, 2016 - Before you commit to journalism school, we discuss the job prospects for journalists and research the income you can expect as a journalist.
Mar 2, 2017 - For those who want to be journalists, the question of whether to go to journalism school is a big one. And the merits of journalism school is a hotly debated issue among those in the field. Do you need a graduate degree in journalism in order to be a great journalist? And, more importa
Mar 23, 2011 - A Masters degree in journalism is not cheap. Couple that with the fact that the industry is low-paying, very crowded, and rapidly changing, and what you have is a pretty complex career path. A friend of mine recently graduated from UC Berkeley's journalism school and is thinking about
Mar 12, 2015 - Washington Post All The President's Men Journalists are pretty cool. Screenshot Columbia's graduate journalism school is planning to cut staff and shrink class sizes. In a story on the news, Bloomberg relays the following: "Estimated tuition, fees, and living expenses for a full-time
Apr 4, 2015 - Of course it is! British perspective - Journalism is ridiculously competive and it is hard to get a job these days without some sort of professional training. Graduates will also find positions in the broader communications industry - PR, marketin...
Jun 17, 2017 - So you're starting college (or going back after working awhile) and want to pursue a journalism career. Should you major in journalism? Take a few journalism courses and get a degree in something else? Or steer clear of j-school altogether?
While Computer Engineering or welding are being dominant in the job work force these days? I swear Journalism is dying out these days which is getting pretty bad.
Mar 6, 2014 - The traditional scholarly program: Most people who want to become a journalist totally HATE this kind of graduate degree program. And they make pretty poor students too, because they HATE their classes. A traditional master's program is about scholarly research and statistics and mass
Mar 30, 2015 - As the journalism industry adapts to the digital era ? while newsrooms continue to shrink and print journalism becomes supplemental source to online news ? where will that leave the journalism degree ? Traditional journalism teaching will have to evolve to keep up with the changing me